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K-MansParts stainless steel vanity license plate tags  

Stainless steel automotive vanity license plate tags 

High-quality custom car tags

These images are to help show what the stainless steel vanity license plate tags look like in person. Each tag is made from #304-grade stainless steel with a chrome mirror-polished front. Each plate is the standard 12 inch by 6 inches with the standard four mounting holes unless otherwise noted. The plates weigh right at one pound each and the stainless steel is 1 mm thick. These pictures show the reflective surface of the stainless steel portion of the plates which is just like looking in a mirror on each of the stainless steel vanity tags. Individual pictures on the listings are normally taken against a white background so the emblem and/or lettering show up better in the pictures.
 A very short video of the tags showing the chrome finish and 3D look of the artwork.

    These images are to help show the 3D affect the acrylic has on the license plates. The acrylic on most all of the vanity plates is 1/8th inch thick. We carry many different styles and colors of car manufacturers, military branches, and NCAA schools. These tags are durable.
Silverado vanity license plate tagCadillac vanity license plate tagPower Stroke Diesel vanity license tag plateGMC Sierra vanity license plate tag
FREE SHIPPING to customers in the US via USPS Mail on all stainless steel and carbon steel license plate tags.

Chevrolet, Chrysler, Ford vanity license plate tag